Registration information


  • It is advisable to meet with your academic advisor to review your degree evaluation and scheduling options. Some classes may not be offered every semester.
  • Some courses have pre-requisites that must be completed successfully before you are able to participate in the class. 学生 are allowed conditional enrollment for such courses so long as the pre-requisite(s) are in process at the time of registration. The university reserves the right to automatically withdraw a student from a course if the pre-requisite(s) were not met. Pre-requisites are listed in the course syllabus and in the Academic Catalog.
  • 12 credits is considered full-time status for traditional undergraduate students. 学生 planning to graduate in four years need to average between 15 and 18 credits during both fall and spring semesters, or may take credits during the summer semester.
  • Per the undergraduate catalog, 18 credits is the maximum load you may carry. 学生 enrolling in more than 18 credits will be charged an overload 学费 fee.

What if there's a hold on your account?

New and returning students must clear holds on their student record due to outstanding 学费 payments, incomplete 金融援助 paperwork, incomplete health information, 失踪的成绩单, 或者违章停车. 学生 with holds will not be permitted to move into student housing, make changes to class schedules, or register for coursework. Holds may be placed on your account at any time, so check periodically for holds.

Steps to check and clear holds:
  1. 登录到 学生门户
  2. Click on Banner Self-Service
  3. 点击学生
  4. 点击学生 Records
  5. 点击“视图保持”

收银员的办公室: 734-995-7586
注册处: 734-995-7413
Student Services Center

If a hold remains on your account when you arrive on campus, plan to visit the office responsible for the hold before moving into student housing or attending classes.


学生 will register for classes using the 学生门户. It is recommended and encouraged for ALL students to make an appointment with their academic advisor to review schedules prior to registering.


学生 may make schedule changes up to the end of the ‘Add’ deadline for courses.

课程长度 添加截止日期
12到16周 学生 may add a course up to the end of the 2nd week; however, instructor approval must be provided to the 注册商’s Office or the student’s Academic Advisor if a student wants to add a class in the 2nd week.
6 - 8周 学生 may add a course up to the end of the 1st week. Instructor approval is not required.
< 6周 学生 must be registered prior to the class start date. Once the course begins, enrollment is no longer available.

Academic Advisors may assist with scheduling changes during the ‘Add’ period of courses. After the ‘Add’ period, all schedule changes must be done through the 注册商’s Office.

下降/退出政策 & 最后期限


A class ‘Drop’ is a change in registration prior to a student attending or participating in a course. A class ‘Withdraw’ is a change in registration after a student has started attending or participating.

Depending on the course delivery, attendance is defined as seated time in the class (face-to-face courses), a gradable assignment submission (online courses), and/or time present for live video conferencing with the instructor (virtual courses).

Student-initiated withdraw from a course

After starting to participate in a class, a student may request to withdraw up to the withdraw deadline for the term (see chart below). 学生 should not assume the university will withdraw them for non-payment of fees or for non-attendance. In the event of a withdraw, the student’s transcript will reflect a withdraw (‘W’) for the course. The ‘W’ is not a grade and will not affect the student’s overall GPA. A student participating in a course past the withdrawal deadline is not eligible for a withdrawal and will be assessed a final grade.

课程长度 Deadline to receive a ‘W'
16周 第十周结束
12周 第八周结束
8周 第五周结束
6周 第四周结束
4周 第三周结束
3周 第二周结束

注意: The timing of when a student withdraws has both academic and financial implications. 学生 who withdraw from a course may not re-enroll in the same course section during the same term or semester. 学生 should meet with their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to making changes as withdrawing from a course may have ramifications for student status, 金融援助 eligibility, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度. 请参阅 学费 & 费用页面 for details regarding the potential academic and financial implications of withdrawing from a course.

Visit the 注册商’s Office for assistance withdrawing from courses.

Instructor-initiated withdraw from a course

The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw a student from a course for one of the following reasons:

  • Failure to begin the course in the allotted time frame
  • Failure to comply with attendance policies (i.e. 过度的缺席)
  • Disciplinary reasons (i.e. 学术欺骗)

学生 administratively withdrawn from a course for failure to begin or excessive absence may not re-enroll in the same course section during the same term or semester. The student is responsible for any academic, financial, or athletic consequences that may result. 请参阅 学费 & 费用 page for details regarding the potential academic and financial implications of being administratively withdrawn from a course.


Registration 最后期限 are strictly enforced. It is a Concordia policy that students may not petition because of missed 最后期限. Please check the academic calendar for add/withdraw 最后期限. If you are unable to make schedule changes on your own, please contact the 注册商’s Office for any necessary forms.

撤军 from the university

学生 who wish to cease coursework and withdraw completely from the University must notify their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to making changes as withdrawing from the institution may have implications for student status, 金融援助, and future 运动员的资格 或者程序进度.

If active in coursework at the time of the withdraw, the student will be removed from all coursework and last date of attendance will be used to determine course grades and financial responsibility following the university’s 学费 refund policies. Prior to a withdraw being fully processed, any outstanding balance must be paid in full. Should a student wish to return to his/her program at a later time, he/she must reapply for University admission.

学生 who are inactive from coursework for two consecutive semesters, and who have not notified the University of their intention to take a stop out, will be withdrawn from the University for inactivity. 学生 will be required to reapply to the University if they wish to resume coursework.


学生 who are seriously injured/ill and cannot continue in coursework due to medical necessity may be eligible for a medical withdrawal. 学生 must contact their academic advisor to request a withdrawal and discuss the extenuating circumstances. Medical documentation must be provided within 30 days of the student’s notification of withdrawal. Medical documentation will be reviewed by the 学术办公室.

If a medical withdrawal is authorized, the last date of attendance will be used to determine financial responsibility following the university’s 学费 refund policies. The student will receive a “W” in all active courses. If a medical withdrawal is not authorized, 学费, room and board responsibility and a grade for courses will follow the university’s 学费 refund policies. Prior to returning following a medical withdrawal, students must reapply to the University and complete a Health and Wellness Meeting. 学生 will not be authorized for a medical withdrawal more than once during their enrollment at Concordia.

Temporary stop out from the university

学生 who wish to temporarily cease coursework, but plan to register in the future, may request a temporary stop out for up to two semesters after the conclusion of a term. 学生 must contact their academic advisor and 金融援助 counselor prior to requesting a stop out, as stopping out of coursework may have implications for student status, 金融援助 eligibility, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度.

Prior to returning to coursework, the student may be required to reapply to his/her program. 学生 who do not return to the University within two consecutive semesters must reapply to the University. 学生 required to reapply will be subject to the program requirements and policies under the current academic catalog.

View student information

学生 may view details about their academic record on the CUAA门户. They may view unofficial transcripts and perform a degree audit to track progress toward degree completion. 学生 may, also, view their major, minor, class level, and advisor.